welcome to the edge

Hobby horsing

First of all thanks a lot for finding time to answer my questions.
If you think there is more to say than what I ask feel free to tell me more!

How and when did you get into the sport?

Is it a ”gateway drug” to horse riding or is it actually non related?
(I mean, to what extent people practicing the sport are also into equestrian sports)

Clichè question, are there boys involved or is it mostly female dominated, why do you think is the case?

Most of the jumps are actually technically hard, how do you train?

How about competitions, do you compete in all of the categories?
I know there is a Finnish national competition, is there an international competition such as an european or ”world cup”?

The hobby-horse itself, do you make your own? Have you had many or do you have a special one?

People usually practice sport to stay healthy , to socialize, to get a sense of belonging, achievement and overall become more confident. Can you realate to any of these reasons?

What aspect of your life have directly/indirectly had a benefit from hobbyhorsing?

I didn’t wanna ask about being discriminated or labelled as weird cause I think you might have had enough , so I mention the movie ”Hobbiehorse revolution”, do you relate to that? how important a contribution has it been to the community?

thank you!

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